Business Incubator intended to implement Start-up training for youth and people who want to open a business or interested in the subject of business and entrepreneurship. The training will be conducted this friday, 06.03.2015.
The Training will be conducted three times a month. The lead facilitator is Huseynov Abdurahmon, who is the chairman of entrepreneurial committee of Sughd Region and BI consultant. Business Incubator’s employees also will be actively involved into the program.
Any interested person to participate in this program should register and pay registration fee in the beginning. There is an opportunity for the participants to enhance knowledge on business related topics, gain new skills and feedback, also some useful information and materials will be spread during discussions, which can be applicable for everyone’s future career.
The advantage of this program is that all the participants would be able to share ideas with each other and come up with their own business-plan by the end of the program. Here is an action plan with tentative dates for conducting the event. The participants will be informed in any changes on dates accordingly.
Action Plan:
- Form of business
- Registration
- Taxation
- development of simple business plan
- individual consultation on developed business plan’s
Note: The price for participation is 30 somoni.
The dates can be changed based on the needs of all participants
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