January 2015 13
Open Data Hackathon in Tajikistan
Open Data Initiative Tajikistan in partnership with ICT4D journal will organize the first Open Data Hackathon in Tajikistan in Open Data Day. Event will be hold in 21 of February in Center of ICT of Dushanbe.
Abstraction and Virtualization
After a long pause I’m back to continue my writings about cloud computing topics. In previous article, definition of services in IT and generic ideas of cloud concept were discussed. In addition, concepts of abstraction and virtualization were involved to the discussion. This article is dedicated to the details about those concepts.
How to build a human [infographic]
It’s been a while since I made a science infographic! But hopefully this month’s post is full of enough biology to make up for the wait. I’ve actually wanted to do an embryogenesis GIF for months, but I couldn’t quite figure out how to make it work. Then I stumbled acrossthis awesome GIF on Reddit […]